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The Encore Universal Event Generator is a Synthesis Technology, MOTM compatible module designed to be a versatile and useful addition to an already great modular system. The UEG can be used as an envelope generator, a complex LFO, or as a step sequencer.

Eight stages are provided with adjustable time and level for each stage, and they each have an LED which indicates the relative voltage output for that stage.

The top switch controls the major modes of the UEG. LOOPONLY mode will force the UEG to cycle between the loop points. This is essentially an LFO.

ONESHOT mode will cycle through all eight stages once, regardless of the duration of the gate input.

GATED allows a new set of options controlled by the second switch. In this mode, the module will start the envelope when it receives a gate, but it will also loop as long as the gate is held. Once the gate is released, there are two ways for the envelope to end. In RELEASE mode, the UEG will complete the current stage, then jump immediately to stage 8. In FINISH LOOP mode, it will simply complete all the stages before stopping.

Click for a larger image.

The top position of the second switch is the STEP mode. In this mode, the UEG takes on a whole different personality: it becomes a step sequencer! It will advance through the 8 stages for each positive pulse on the GATE input.

The START and END loop switches allow the UEG to start a "loop" anywhere from stages 2 through 4, and end the loop between stages 5 and 7. These are used in LOOPONLY mode and in GATED mode.

The output waveform can have one of three slopes: linear, log, and step. These are shown graphically on the front panel.

The UEG also has a MANUAL GATE button, useful to trigger the UEG while setting it up.

The four 1/4" jacks along the bottom are the two inputs and two outputs. The leftmost jack is the GATE input and it requires a fairly clean pulse or squarewave input. (A Triangle wave will also work, but it needs to be fairly fast.)

The next jack is the TCV, or Time Control Voltage input. A 0 to 5 volt input will modulate all the time values to greater values.

The OUT jack is the main output waveform. It is a 0 to 5 volt analog voltage that corresponds to the front panel settings.

The TRIGOUT jack is the rightmost output and will fire off a short pulse at the conclusion of stage 8. It it also a 0 to 5 volt signal. This is useful to trigger other events in a MOTM system. For example, it could be used to trigger a second UEG to behave as a 16 stage sequence or envelope.

New feature: In LFO mode the TRIGOUT can output a pulse for each stage of the LFO or at the end of the LFO cycle. All current users can have this update at no charge if they send us their UEG postage page both ways.

To see the UEG in a user's system, click here: "Synth of Doom" which is owned by Dave Bradley. Check out more MOTM fun at Dave's site:Dave Bradley's Hot Rod MOTM shop

The next two links/descriptions are UEG specific demos created by Robert Rich.

Two UEGs clocked with an MOTM lfo. A divider/mux is making extra triggers for syncopation, and two additional lfos are shifting the PWM and filter cutoffs of two simple voices (VCO -> 440 LP filter -> VCA). There is also an echo to add rhythmic complexity.

Faster version of above with more dynamic filter tweaks.

The user's manual can be downloaded by clicking here