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Moog Source SMK MIDI Retrofit Version 4.11

This version of the SMK re-introduces the arpeggiator and the tape load functionality.

The more recent MIDI kits have an extra 28 pin socket. This revision is the first one that requires this new socket. It will not fit in the 24 pin, 2532 ROM originally found on the Moog Source. Using the new socket, we can fit twice as much code as the original. So, we've brought back the tape load function, so new customers can load up the RAM from their cassettes, and the arpeggiator.

Any SMK kit shipping as of May 2014 will include version 4.11

Moog Source SMK MIDI Retrofit Version 4.10

This version of the SMK fixes a few bugs and incorporates a new installation procedure.

In previous revisions, if the Incremental Controller was turned too quickly, the sample and hold update code would fall behind and the voice would temporarily drift downward. This was due to a sharing of the Z80 interrupt line. Version 4.10 uses the NMI line for MIDI, and the INT line for the Incremental Controller, alleviating the problem.

Fixed a sysex load problem.
Fixed a minor bug with Level 2 - 5 waiting for the old PPQ parameter.

(Note: This firmware revision (and all following revisions) require a modification to the installation.)

Moog Source SMK MIDI Retrofit Version 4.09

More sysex loading features have been implemented. This will be implemented by SoundQuest soon.

Note: The arpeggiator code has been removed to make room for this code.

Request all patches
F0 00 00 2F 01 01 F7

Receive/Load all patches
F0 00 00 2F 01 02 < 12800 databytes > F7

Request edit buffer
F0 00 00 2F 01 03 F7

Receive/Load edit buffer
F0 00 00 2F 01 04 < 50 databytes > F7

Request a patch from current bank
F0 00 00 2F 01 05 pp F7

Receive/Load patch from / to current bank
F0 00 00 2F 01 06 pp < 50 databytes> F7

Moog Source SMK MIDI Retrofit Version 4.08

This version of the SMK adds several features and also incorporates some changes:

Bank Select is now performed with the LEVEL 1 button. If you press LEVEL1, you immediately see the current bank. While holding LEVEL1, you can then press one of the 16 patch buttons to select a new bank and you get the visual feedback on the display. The original LEVEL2-7 has been removed.

Filter Resonance can now be controlled from MIDI controller 11.

Filter Cutoff can now be controlled from Non Registered Parameter Number 2. This was choosen because the internal filter parameter is 12 bits. When standard controllers are used with typical sequencers, two messages have to be entered to control more than 7 bits. Using NRPN2, both MSB and LSB are easily generated.

Portamento can now be controlled from MIDI controller 5.

MIDI echo has been disabled in this version.

The SMK now responds to all notes off command.